"Secret Water"is set in the Hamford Water facing the North Sea in eastern England. When the tide goes out, a tidal flat will appear.
The residential area has increased rather than "Secret Water" times. but tidal flats is not changed, geographical feature has not changed. The nature of this tidal flat was left by conservation movement.
Walton-on-the-naze was the terminal point of a railroad. The station front had a mailbox in a quiet residential section. But there was the tourist resort of summer. I walked to the way of the seashore which had an information desk, so I would book a hotel of tonight.
There was a small information office near the coast, the time such as today's high tide was affixed to the glass window here, but failing to forget to note at this time was a failure. I asked a person at the official of the information office to call hostel around here, but that was no longer an accommodation today. I was worried, it was probably the most crowded days in summer. He did not connect the phone, but he asked me directly to go to a small hotel nearby. But there was no vacant room here either.
I determined to sleep in the open tonight. I prepared food at a supermarket. And I decided to go to see a witch's pier first the place which walks to an island and which can be crossed to it, and walked along the way of a residential section. When I walked, it seemed to be rather longer than the distance on a map. I saw the swallow island beyond a wheat field.
I walked along many sidewalks where a car passes a side, and at last, this branch was attached to the T junction it road to an island. I walked along the way surrounded by tall grass for a while, and I arrived at 13:20 Witches' pier. A swallow island looked low to the long distance other side. Although it seems that sea water was filled in the pier, the figure of a fish was not in sight between seaweed. I forgot to investigate whether it will pull if tide becomes when, it would go up to the stand of eight square shapes considered to be old battery made from concrete, and will wait. Well, the place of a bivouac will only be found by twilight today. It was what was considered for the stands of concrete to be the remains of war surely built in preparation for landing of German army.
dog 14:30 Tide had still been going up. Considering the position in which grass has grown, already being filled also sinks in having hoped that it might finally be to grass. The bottom of a pier also fully sank. The canoe came from offing. A U-turn was made near the pier and it sees off going away.
15:15 Car was came. Parents and children had ridden. When the black dog was taken down, it froliced, it turned around it and it jumped in to the sea. If it thinked whether it was swimming in the circumference, it would go up to a pier, vigor would be attached, and it would jump in to the sea again. the dog was repeated no less than 3 times, and they are laughing heartily wholly.
16:00 When it came here, the empty can in which the position of tide was shown appeared from the water surface. still more . it was track of the slope of concrete to a tire -- it seems that continues straightly to the sea Does the way which can pass along a car appear in the sea? Three dogs came for the walk with 16:30 women. The dogs currently called in TESSA, HAUDY, and the name He adds a wooden stick and walks.
Two bicycles came. The shoreline was left to west.
The way had appeared in the sea at 17:00. still, up to the center to an island, although it did not arrive, it was track along which the car passed -- the marks of track continue to the island.


17:35 I can already go, and crossing for which it was waiting are tried. Since it got wet with shoes, he walks with bare feet by sewing. But the pebble mixed with mud was painful and I did not continue walking. Abandonment. Although I came about the half to a swallow island, if I had also sandals.
Crossing will be given up and I would pass at a station till a morning. Although the way of the shore was regarded as early when going to the east, the way has been lost soon.
Map of Walton on the naze The tractor had done the place which was not a field, either from a distance there. A black dog was also pulled two and was following. What was carried out and it will shine. When looked, the tractor stopped near me. A grandfather wait for me and Lost? was heard. Although a provincial accent was tight, I said that he wants to go to a station, and let you understand. a basis -- The way which it walked must be returned.
Moreover, he trudged along along the way to which it came, and I had returned to the pier of the witch of a basis. If the place which will pass night early by the time it becomes dark was not found. Although I had returned to a station, there was no windscreens, such as a waiting room, and a bench was cold and impossible. To then, the thing ridden on the train for London It was about one passenger at one vehicle. It wears 21:00 Colchester. I changed to north going here again. A day sinks and was dark. A uncle of the India who attaches headphone teached me kindly ,I asked him for Norwich was this home. The seat which the vehicle of an Anglia railroad also had a table with a crossing sheet, and was vacant in many passengers.
A toilet in Norwich station was closed. It cannot use night. Although it was, the too busy city out of which it has come out of the station does not have the place passed till a toilet or a morning, either. The waiting room of a station had also been closed after the last train. I rided on the train which the thing of a toilet also had and was left anyhow, and gets down at the first station. As for the waiting room, it was closed also here. There was only a bench of a home till a morning.


next day

flag Walton-

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