
I woke up at 7 o'clock. It was dark in the room because the curtain was closed. Everyone of the room was still sleeping. When I looked at outside from corner of the curtain, today was fine. I was visible well to the mountain. Today was the day when I climbs to the mountain.
I read the book of Alfred Wainwright ,and I decided to climb to Wetherlam this time. This mountain was on opposite side of the valley of Oldman. I found this book in the mountain-climbing store of Coniston. The book was sketch of the pen drawing. The route figure was inspected in detail. On that, also letter being to be handwritten everything by Wainwright. It is the wonderful book.
I taked breakfast at same table as a family of the Indian. I greeted. Shaking hands, then I did self introduction. At this area, it was very few to meet with the person other than the white. The many Indian people worked in London. That it was contrast.
I prepared a food in a mountain,so I waited for opening of a bakery. I ordered a tuna and a cucumber sandwiches. Clerk made a tuna sandwiches. I bought a juice and a canned goods of the peach in the co-operative association. Then I was a start.
I walked a way to YouthHostel Coppermine from the way beside Co-op. I passed the waterfall and the stone bridge. And I went to a way to climbed to the upper. I could walk comfortably in the beginning as I walked on grass. Sheep was here and there was sitting down avoiding hot. The Old man of Conston(Kanchenjunga) rised high over the opposite side of a valley.
I wanted to climb the rocky mountain which rised high behind HollyHoweYH. I aimed this rocky mountain top at first. The stepping mark was attached though I came off from the route. YouthHostel was not seen soon though I went out on the rock that was able to look down at the lake and the village. Was it the north side more? Then I returned to a main route. I went to see the abandoned mine. I was warned of by the goat there, so I cried to the goat as "Meee".
I could not find a route from here. I have been stuck in here. I searched map in the rucksack. But there was no map which was important. I would have forgotten at somewhere it. I returned and looked for it at the mountain trail. I reconsidered and was here to up to the rocky mountain at which I stopped on the way first. I would be relieved, but became tired with this.

I turned around the great pit of the remains of a mine from right-hand side, and reached upwards. The thin stepping on mark was continued. Hare's-tail (japanese"WATASUGE") was beautiful in the small pond. There was a high moor even here. The dragonfly it was. The rock was everywhere on the mountain with the grassy plain, but I could walk anywhere. I encountered a sheep and droppings here and there.
The mountain trail stepped on and I thought whether it was such a thing that it was a marks grade. I could walk anywhere. If I went down exceeding the height in order to cross a valley, just a firm way and this firm should be called mountain trail there. What I had walked along until now was the wrong route. It seemed that the mine was written also on the book, and I had progressed that the way had stopped there. There was High Topps. Although it was a fairly high place, geographical feature even in the shape of a plateau has spread to the long distance.
The small flow became mud and had wet my shoes and socks. I would remove it and dry. I sat down,and ate the sandwiches that it was crushed and juice has come out. Many beverages kept decreasing steadily. It seemed that ascent of rock ridge begins from here with a map. Even if I climbed and climbed, the following peak appeared.
Soon I arrived at the summit of Wetherlam. There was not show the summit, but I could be considered to be here from height. The fact that there is neither a paint mark nor a guidepost as expected is. When I look around, there were rocky mountains. Here was altitude 763m, it was the scenery which cannot be thought. Air was not thin although it was the same as the scenery of the Japanese Alps. I had a break, sat down and eating a canned food of a peach with two pencils.
In lake LeversWater a person who has swum was. I passed by the side of the lake, the road where the fern grows thick advanced to CoppermineYH. The beverage was not sold there. I was said that drink a water of the river. The river it was visible cleanly, but being not to be able to drink because of the droppings of the sheep.

The dinner of YH was the full course which starts in soup,and end to an ice cream. Van des Ful of the Belgian person and I sat down in the facing. I spoke thing of TinTin which last summer I went to Belgium.

next day

flag Wetherlam

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