houseboat The shape of a wall socket of Britain was unexpected of me. The socket was firmly cap to insert a wire. It is a safe mechanism that electricity doesn't pass if a stiff metallic stick is not pushed putting power. This mechanism is safe also for the child. A wall socket of Japan was a danger of an electric shock compared with this, and I thought the difference of the idea with Britain.
Early morning, I had teaching the electrical outlet adapter to a cleak of YouthHostel. He said me the adapter selled at town of Ambleside. I went out to the town walking about 30 minutes, I had time before breakfast.
The store was closed at early morning. But,I found the adaptor in the window at the camera shop. However,to come once more, there was too distant.
After breakfast, I went to search for the North Pole. I had not thought there was the North Pole plate when coming to last 1998. I was deeply impressed by the fact that I came to the North Pole where Dick and Dorothea arrived in the snowstorm. But I know there was a plate in which an arctic position is shown, and had overlook it. I must came again to the Arctic expedition.
I found the NorthPole immediately on the grass of the park of LakeHead, along which comes out of YH and I walked for a while to along the lakefront. I was just walk from a stump toward YH to the diagonal left toward a lake exactly. The plate was about 20cm round stone. I was deep emotion as having stroked the plate and having come here at last.
I stood my expeditionary party's flag by side and took a photograph.

After all, I should take the ship though the bus can go to the south of Windermere. I sat on the bench on the back deck of a liner. Because I might be found Cache Island or Chichen rock.
A uncle who had sat on the next talked to variously for the picture of the postcard when I was finishing up to write a postcard.
As for the ship, the liner chucks a leftie, and heads for Bowness in this side of a long island. It passed on the lake and the fighter passed on low sky roaring. The second world war age of the propeller machine passed after that and it disappeared at mountain. Was it an Airlines show in the vicinity?
OP class
I could not find the suitable a small island as Cache Island. Near Long Island, I met six Optimist class sailboats of a small red sail being connected pulled to a rubber boat with engine. The first grader in elementary school and the small child who attached the matching life jacket. They would go to practice ride on each.
It was good they were how to manipulate a sail since those days?

I walked to north. I went Steamboat museum again for the first time in five years. In the place which buys an admission ticket, I also buy a pamphlet, without forgetting shortly. First, I went to the pier, to meet Captain Flint's houseboat. I sit down on a near stake and a houseboat can be slowly sketched from the front. I got comprehension and I was also allowed to go into the direction of a guide into a houseboat. It seems that the interior of a ship entered the world in a book. The cake and tea were being prepared on the table. The letter which applying writes was placed and Pretty Polly was also in cage.
When I sat on the sofa by the side of the gunwale, here was completely a cabin of comfortable the Fram.


I returned to the town of RIO behind Steamboat Museum. I decided to go by small wooden ship which was connecting the Lake Windermere lake with the bus instead of a ferry for crossing. I was not able to find where the ticket would be sold, I asked one of the charge. A small ship was a beautiful with wooden varnish color. I thought that it was good to use the old thing carefully truly appropriate for Britain.
About five passengers rode and three persons rode with bicycle. The uncle of sunglasses and a baseball cap was not the visitor at short pants with a chips, but he was the captain. A pier was left and it goes to Long Island.
The captain had the ticket sold without lifting a hand from a steered wheel and also seeing the front. If it came to this hit, a ship is not in the surroundings. On the way, he recommend a chips to me,and got it a little. Thank you.
next day

potato chips


Japanese Japanese<--->English