
heath One plant name I came across in the book that I never knew was "heath."
I'd never seen a plant called heath in Japan.
All I knew was that it had purple flowers that bloomed on wasteland and that it grew in the cracks of rocks, so I really wanted to see what it was like. I also wondered if it was a plant unique to England.
The flower in the photo above is what I think is heath. In Japan, it would be classified as an alpine plant.
heath heath It was blooming in a rocky area in the Lake District. There are several types of plants with small purple flowers on these rocky areas. I think it's a general term for all of these flowers.

Gorse (whin)

gorse This must be gorse. It is often described in books as a plant with yellow flowers and thorns that hurt. For example, there was an incident where Pooh climbed a tree and fell onto some gorse, getting a thorn in his bottom.
While walking along the west shore of Coniston Water, I came across a plant that I thought was a perfect match for gorse. It was hard and covered in thorns, so I couldn't even hold it in my hands. The thorns on thistle leaves hurt, but this was much better. This one wouldn't get eaten by sheep or anything.

Orlaya grandiflora

orlaya This flower bloomed in the footpath of ranches from Coniston water to Hawkshead village. This was wild grass in the U.K., but met you recently though it was cultivated as flower arrangement in Japan. It is the wonderful flower such as white fireworks.

Circaea lutetiana ?

This is the wild grass which I found at Hawkshead YH. I think that it is a kind of Circaea lutetiana. Dancing posture, the form of the leaf resemble four pieces of white petals.

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