There were a lot of tourists in Grasmere Village, and it was a rather lively tourist spot. After entering the village, I couldn't find the way to the youth hostel I was heading for. I only had a simple map here. After walking around for a while, I found the name of the street that was in the guidebook. From there, I took a path through the mountains.
The building of ButterlipHow YouthHostel has the brilliant rockwork which accumulated the slate board like Coniston YH. Furthermore, the whole building was the greatly elaborate structure. A receptionist was finished and nobody was still in the room to the second floor. A dining-room had a large very bright glass window. There was a cricket game in the yard of grass. Although a ball was thrown like baseball and it was struck, the pitcher turned the hand by rotation contrary to a softball, and had released the ball in the high position. The face of a bat was flat.

I worked hard on my sketch while drinking a Coke near the entrance. There was nowhere to sit, so I was standing. After a while, an old lady passing by came to take a look at my sketch. She told me that she had been talking about me in the dining room. I didn't hear her exactly, but it seemed like she had seen me at the previous youth hostel YH.
I had a good dinner and tried to go to bed early, but I had eaten too much tonight and my stomach was heavy, so I couldn't fall asleep easily.